The Family of William Duck from Isle of Wight Co., Virginia and North Carolina
Compiled by John J. Duck.
Copyright © 2004
(Updated 5 Aug 2004)
Legend & Notes:
Black regular font - references in Isle of Wight County, Virginia.
Blue bold font - references in North Carolina.
Red bold font - compilers' opinions and guesses.
The family associations in this compilation are all guesswork except where a will specifies the names of wife and children. The letters, e.g. [a], are used to distinguish between people of the same name, which occurs often. The sequence of the letters follow no pattern, they were assigned as each name was added.
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William Ducke [a] b. 1620 England, m. 1645, d. 1680
1620 born? If we assume that he was 18 when he arrived in America, he would have to have been born by 1621. This would make him 38 when William [b] was born. It is entirely possible that John Duck [a] was the son of William [a] and father of William [b]. Some of the dates would make more sense that way.
1639 headright granted to Justinian Cooper - it is not known just when William [a] arrived in America except that it was prior to the headright. It was likely not more than a year earlier.
William Duck [b] b. 1658 in Isle of Wight Co, VA, m. 1690 Margaret in Isle of Wight Co, VA, d. 1727 in Isle of Wight Co, VA
- 1658 born? This is just a guess. This would make his death at the age of 69 and his age when he witnessed the will of William Boddie as 21 and appraised the estate of Thomas Mann at 32 and married by the age of 33. However, his birth would have been 19 years after his father arrived in America. Is there a missing generation?
- 1679 witnessed will of William Boddie - This must be William Boddie Sr. I give this entry to William [b] instead of William [a] just because he seems to be trusted in the following entries.
- 1690 Appraised the estate of Thomas Mann. - This must be Thomas Mann, Sr.
- 1691 Lived on plantation owned by Richard and Sarah Lewis in Lower Parish. Richard's will gives
the care (tuition) of Richard Jr. to William Duck. - >William must have been the overseer of the plantation and most likely was already married to Margaret. Lower Parish later became Southampton County.
- 1693 And Margaret Duck witnessed gift of 100 acres on Currawaugh Swamp from Thomas Mann to Sarah Mann, wife of Francis Davis.
- 1694 Bought 80 acres from Thomas Mann on SW side of Currawaugh Swamp.
- 1704 Paid quitrent (tax) on his 180 acres of land in Isle of Wight County. - >He must have bought another 100 acres prior to this time.
- 1720 Bought 100 acres from Benjamin and Sarah Beal NW side of Currawaugh Swamp. Previously
William Fowler's land. This purchase might have been by William Jr.
- 1727 Died. Will recorded 1727 and probated 28 Oct 1728. Wife Margery. Children Bridget, Dorothy, Isabel, Robert, Timothy, William, John, Jacob. Will states that William and John were the eldest sons.
William Duck [c] b. 1692 in Isle of Wight Co, VA, m. 1734 Eleanor Carr in Isle of Wight Co, VA, d. 1763 in Isle of Wight Co, VA
- 1692 Born? His parents were married before 1691, William and John were the two eldest sons, and I am guessing that his first-born son was named after himself, however the daughters might have been born first and eight children in his will only means that eight survived until then.
- 1734 Married Eleanor Carr (daughter of John Carr).
- 1743 Bought 100 acres from William Parker on the South side of Currawaugh Swamp. This was the same land that Priscilla, widow of John [d], sold in 1739.
- 1747 Reference to his land near the Currawaugh Swamp.
- 1762 Witnessed sale of 100 acres by William Johnson.
- 1762 Witnessed sale of 120 acres by Samuel Vaughn.
- 1763 Made his will. Wife Ellinor, Children William, Sarah Owen (wife of John Owen, Jr., born 1736), Mary Johnson, John, Elizabeth, Robert, Selah. Recorded 7 Apr 1763. Witnessed by Timothy Duck.
William Duck [d] b. 1735 in Isle of Wight Co, VA, m. 1760 in Isle of Wight Co, VA, d. aft. 1790 in Isle of Wight Co, VA.
- 1735 Born? I would guess he was the first born.
- 1763 Was a juror for a land petition with brother John.
- 1766 Bought 100 acres on Great Branch from Robert and Christian Johnson. Previously owned by Thomas Smith.
- 1766 Witnessed the sale of 142 acres to John Owen from Robert and Christian Johnson.
- 1766 Witnessed the sale of 50 acres to Abram Carr from Robert and Christian Johnson.
- 1766 Witnessed the sale of 50 acres to Samuel Johnson from Robert and Christian Johnson.
- 1773 Mentioned in the will of his aunt, Isabel Johnson.
- 1776 Witnessed sale of 100 acres from Edward Gatling to John Owen.
- 1778 Appraised the estate of Samuel Bryant. With John Duck [g].
- 1780 Appraised the estate of Jacob Butler. With John Duck [g].
- 1782 In the Isle of Wight County Census - 7 whites.
- 1782 Was Executor of the will of Henry Johnson, Sr. Recorded 1 Jan 1784.
- 1782 Reimbursed for provisions provided in war
- 1783 In tax list in Isle of Wight Co, VA.
- 1785 Signed a petition to Virginia House of Delegates against public funding of teachers of religion.
- 1787 Listed in the tax census, no white males 16-21, 1 horse, 11 cattle.
- 1789 The lands of John Duck, Robert Duck, and William Duck were referenced in a sale of 242 acres by John Owen and wife Sarah Duck Owen to Elias Owen on Beaver Dam Swamp. Previously owned by John Owen Sr. who bought it from Robert Johnson.
- 1789 Referenced his land in a sale of 54 acres from Richard and Judith Baker to Robert Duck.
- 1790 Listed in tax census, 2 horses
- 1796 Deed of land for money owed: Suzannah Carr, Lois Butler, Jacob Johnson & wife Elizabeth Johnson, William Duck, Solomon Guin, William Robertson and his wife Nancey, of Isle of Wight, and Pettaway Johnson, Samuel Johnson, James Clark and wife Suzannah Clark of Southampton, and John Luter and his wife Alse Luter of Northampton and State of North Carolina give to Salley Ballard of Isle of Wight 97 acres. Solomon Guin the former owner of this land died under the age 21; he married Honour Duck 6 Nov 1796.
- 1799 William Duck Sr. in tax census, 1 female over 16.
- 1820 William Duck, Sr. in census - Newport Parish, 1 male and 1 female born before 1775, 2 females born 1794-1804, 1 male born 1804-1810, 1 female born 1810-1820.
- 1821 William Duck Sr. sold 7 acres to James Rhodes and Robert Butler. Referenced land of John Duck.
- 1822 Referenced in sale of 7 acres to John Duck from James Rhodes.
William Duck [i] b. after 1760, m. before 1799. I don't have any evidence for William having a son, although it should be no surprise. I don't have any other William Jr. and Sr.
- 1799 William Duck, Jr. in tax census, 1 female over 16.
- 1820 William Duck, Jr. in census - Newport Parish, 1 male born before 1775, 2 females born 1775-1794, 1 female born 1794-1804.
John Duck [e] b. 1736 in Isle of Wight Co, VA, d. after 1763.
- 1736 Born? I would guess he was at least 21 when he bought the land.
- 1758 Bought 200 acres from Andrew Griffin near Long Branch. Previously owned
by Hardy Councill.
- 1763 Was a juror for a land petition with brother William.
Sarah Duck [a] b. 1737 in Isle of Wight Co, VA, m. 1757 John Owens, Jr. in Isle of Wight Co, VA, d. 1800-1810 in Edgecombe Co, NC.
- 1737 Born to William and Eleanor.
- 1757 Married John Owens, Jr.
- 1759 John Owens, Jr. was mentioned in the will of Thomas Smith.
- 1763 In her father's will as Sarah Owens.
- 1766 John Owen bought 142 acres from Robert and Christian Johnson. Witnessed by William Duck, Sarah's brother.
- 1770 John Owens bought 100 acres from Moses and Charity Daughtry.
- 1773 John Owen appraised the estate of Timothy Duck [a], his wife's uncle.
- 1776 John Owen bought 100 acres from Edward Gatling. Witnessed by William Duck [d].
- 1778 John Owen was surety for Joanna Bryant.
- 1782 John Owen was in the Isle of Wight County Census - 8 whites.
- 1789 John Owen and wife Sarah Duck Owen deeded 200 acres to Elias Owen.
- 1789 John Owen and wife Sarah Duck Owen deeded 242 acres to Elias Owen.
- 1790 John Owen, Sr. in census in Halifax District, 2 males over 16, 1 male under 16, 2 females.
- 1799 John Owens deeded his 165 acres to his son Drury (Dempsey?) Owens.
- 1800 John Owens Sr. in census, 1 male and 1 female born before 1755, 1 female born 1755-1774, 1 male born 1774-1784.
Dempsey Owens b. before 1755 in ?, m. ???? In ?, d. 1810-1820 in Edgecombe Co, NC. I suspect that this was a brother of John Owens instead of his son.
- 1755 Born before 1755.
- 1799 John Owens deeded his 165 acres to his son Dempsey Owens.
- 1800 Dempsey Owens in census in Edgecombe Co, NC, 1 male and 1 female born before 1755, 1 male and 1 female born 1774-1784.
- 1810 Demsey Owens in census in Edgecombe Co, NC, 2 males born before 1765, 1 male and 1 female born 1765-1784, 1 male and 2 females born 1784-1794, 2 males born 1800-1810. Apparently Dempsey's wife died between 1800-1810.
- 1820 Dempsey Owens not in census in Edgecombe Co, NC.
Dempsey Owens b. before 1775, m. before 1820, d. after 1820
- 1820 Dempsey Owens in census in Edgecombe Co, NC- 1 male and 1 female born before 1775, 2 males and 1 female born 1794-1804, 1 male born 1804-1810. (This must be Dempsey Jr.)
Elias Owens b. 1756 in Isle of Wight Co, VA, m. ???? In Isle of Wight Co, VA, d. 1810-1820 Edgecombe Co, NC.
- 1755 to 1765 Born.
- 1789 John Owen and wife Sarah Duck Owen deeded 200 acres to Elias Owen.
- 1789 John Owen and wife Sarah Duck Owen deeded 242 acres to Elias Owen.
- 1792 Elias Owens deeded all his land to Shadrack Corbett and Absolom Beal.
- 1792 Elias Owens bought 330 acres in southern Edgecombe Co, NC from John Eason.
- 1793 Elias Owens deeded 165 acres to John Owens.
- 1800 Elias Owens in census in Edgecombe Co, NC, 1 male and 1 female born 1755-1774, 3 males and 2 females born 1790-1800.
- 1810 Elias Owens in census in Edgecombe Co, NC, 1 male born before 1765, 1 female born 1765-1784, 1 male born 1784-1794, 1 male and 2 females born 1794-1800, 3 males born 1800-1810.
- 1820 Elias Owens not in census in Edgecombe Co, NC.
John Owens III b. 1758 in Isle of Wight Co, VA, m. ???? In Isle of Wight Co, VA, d. ???? In North Carolina.
- 1755 to 1774 Born.
- 1790 John Owen, Jr. in census in Halifax District of Edgecombe Co, NC, 1 male over 16
- 1800 John Owens Jr. in census in Edgecombe Co, NC, 1 male and 1 female born 1755-1774, 1 male born 1790-1800.
Mary Duck [a] b. 1739 Isle of Wight Co, VA, m. 1761 Michael Johnson, Isle of Wight Co, VA, d. before 1766 Isle of Wight Co, VA.
- 1739 Born?
- 1761 Married Michael Johnson.
- 1763 In her father's will as Mary Johnson.
- 1766 Mary was dead by this date.
Elizabeth Duck [a] b. 1741 Isle of Wight Co, VA, m. before 1766 Michael Johnson, Isle of Wight Co, VA, d. ????.
- 1741 Born?
- 1763 Not married at this date. In her father's will.
- 1766 Married Michael Johnson, widower of her sister, Mary.
Robert Duck [d] b. 1743 Isle of Wight Co, VA, m. ???? Unos (Eunice?) Isle of Wight Co, VA, d. 1806 Isle of Wight Co, VA.
- 1743 Born?
- 1763 In his father's will.
- 1778 Appraised the estate of Benjamin Carr. Recorded 4 Feb 1779.
- 1782 In the Isle of Wight County Census 9 whites.
- 1783 In the Isle of Wight County Census.
- 1785 Signed a petition to Virginia House of Delegates against public funding of teachers of religion.
- 1787 Listed in the tax census, no white males 16-21, 2 horses, 8 cattle.
- 1789 The lands of John Duck, Robert Duck, and William Duck were referenced in a sale of 242 acres by John Owen and wife Sarah Duck Owen to Elias Owen on Beaver Dam Swamp. Previously owned by John Owen Sr. who bought it from Robert Johnson.
- 1789 Bought 54 acres from Richard and Judith Baker on Currawaugh Swamp. Previously owned by Joseph Bridger.
- 1790 Listed in tax census, 1 white over 21, 1 white 16-21
- 1791 Made his will. Not recorded until 5 May 1806. Wife Unos, son William, son-in-law William Owen, daughters Mary, Salley, Pennina (Penny), Milley, Julia, friend John Duck, Jr
- 1799 Robert Duck in tax census, 1 female over 16.
- 1806 Died. His will was recorded 5 May 1806.
William Duck [f] b. 1765 Isle of Wight Co, VA, m. 1790 Holland Duck Isle of Wight Co, VA, d. ????
- 1765 Born?
- 1790 Married Holland Duck Surety, Mills Carr
- 1790 Listed in tax census.
- 1791 Mentioned in the will of his father, Robert Duck [d].
Mary Duck [d]
- 1767 Born?
- 1791 Mentioned in the will of her father, Robert Duck [d].
Sarah (Salley) Duck [f]
- 1769 Born?
- 1791 Mentioned in the will of her father, Robert Duck [d].
Pennina (Penny) Duck [b]
- 1771 Born?
- 1791 Mentioned in the will of her father, Robert Duck [d].
Millicent (Milley) Duck [c]
- 1773 Born?
- 1791 Mentioned in the will of her father, Robert Duck [d].
Julia Duck [a]
- 1775 Born?
- 1791 Mentioned in the will of her father, Robert Duck [d].
Selah Duck [a] b. 1745 Isle of Wight Co, VA, d. after 1763.
- 1763 Not married at this date. In her father's will.
John Duck [d] b. 1693 Isle of Wight Co, VA, m. 1727 Priscilla West, d. 1735 Isle of Wight Co, VA.
- 1693 Born? His parents were married before 1691, William and John were the two eldest sons, and I guess John was born a year after William.
- 1721 Bought 100 acres from Richard Lewis on the S side of Currawaugh Swamp. - This must be the Richard Lewis, Jr. that was in the care of John's father. It might be the same plantation that his father lived on. It is likely that John grew up with Richard in the same household.
- 17?? Married Priscilla West, daughter of William West.
- 1734 Witnessed the will of John Carr which mentions his daughter Eleanor Duck. Eleanor was the wife of John's brother, William [c].
- 1735 Made his will. Wife Priscilla, daughter West. Recorded 24 May 1736.
- 1739 Priscilla, widow of John, sold 100 acres to William Parker of Chowan Co, NC, on South side of Currawaugh Swamp. Witnessed by Samson West.
- 1744 Priscilla, widow of John Duck of Isle of Wight Co, VA, received 180 acres from her father, William West, in Edgecombe Co, NC. Priscilla may have taken her daughter West and moved back to Edgecombe Co, NC to live with her parents in 1736 after her husband died or perhaps she stayed with brother-in-law Robert [b] until they both moved to Edgecombe Co.
- 1775 Land of Priscilla Duck referenced in a sale from William Jackson to Cornelius Carter in Halifax Co, NC. - Halifax Co was formed out of Edgecombe Co in 1759.
West Duck [a] b. 1728 Isle of Wight Co, VA, m. 1765 Speir Coffield Edgecombe Co, NC, d. 1778 Edgecombe Co, NC.
- 1728 Born to John and Priscilla.
- 1761 Bought 2 lots in the town of Tarboro, Edgecombe Co, NC, 1/2 acre each.
- 1765 married Spier Coffield who was born 1728 and died 1771 in Edgecombe Co.
- 1772 Speir Coffield made his will. Mentioned his daughter Priscilla West Coffield, son David Coffield, daughter Elizabeth Ann Coffield. Witnessed by Priscilla Duck and John Speir.
- 1775 Israel West sold 200 acres on Stoney Creek to Richard Vick. Previously granted to William West 20 Apr 1755.
- 1778 West Coffield made her will. Mentioned her son David Coffield, daughter Priscilla West West, daughter Elizabeth Coffield. Son-in-law Israel West was appointed executor. Witnessed by Lucy Haynes, Priscilla West West, and Xpher Haynes. (Christopher).
- 1780 Land of West Coffield referenced in a land sale from Camil McDaniel to Spender Raefield.
Priscilla West Coffield
- 177? Married Israel West.
- 1778 Mentioned in her mother's will.
- 17?? Israel West died.
- 17?? Priscilla West West married Stephen W. Carney.
- 1804 Priscilla and Stephen W. Carney sold 400 acres in Halifax Co, NC.
David Coffield
- 1755 Born before 1755.
- 1778 Mentioned in his mother's will.
Elizabeth Ann Coffield
- 1778 Not married by this date.
Robert Duck [b] b. 1710 Isle of Wight Co, VA
- 1710 Born? I imagine he would have been at least 21 to be a land sale witness.
- 1731 Witnessed sale of land from John Howel to William Johnson in Newport Parish.
- 1738 Bought 200 acres from Richard Wooten on Beaver Dam Swamp.
- 1744 Mentioned as a land reference on Beaver Dam Swamp.
- 1749 Of Edgecombe Co, North Carolina, sold 200 acres to John Bretton, Jr. on Beaver Dam Swamp.
- 1754 Listed in the militia muster of Johnston Co, NC, under Capt. Edward Powers. By this time, it seems, Robert and probably his brother Jacob have moved South to Johnston Co, on the border of Edgecombe Co, which is now Nash Co, NC, on or near the Contentnea River.
- 1756 Bought land from William Boykin in Johnston Co, NC.
- 1762 Witnessed sale of 300 acres on Contentnea Creek from Thomas Maples to John Fulk, Jr. Lying on the border between Edgecombe Co and Johnston Co.
- 1767 Bought land from Thomas Robberds (Roberts?) in Johnston Co, NC.
- 1770 Two Robert Duck's, a Timothy Duck and a William Duck were listed in the militia muster of Capt. James Wooten in Chowan Co, NC, from Johnston Co, NC. Although Robert [b] would have probably been 60 years old, I think it likely that all able-bodied men were expected to serve in the militia. Their only military action would have been defending their homes from Indians. I have no evidence that Robert, Timothy, and William were the sons of Robert, but they appear together consistently.
Robert Duck [c] b. 1742 Isle of Wight Co, VA, m. ????, d. ????
- 1742 Born in Isle of Wight Co, VA?
- 1770 Listed in the militia muster of Capt. James Wooten in Chowan Co, NC, from Johnston Co, NC.
- 1778 Robert Duck Sr. deeded 620 acres in Wake County, NC, on the North side of the Neuse River. Wake Co. was formed in 1771 from Johnston, Cumberland, and Orange Counties. This deed referenced the lands of James and Thomas Branan.
- 1778 Robert Duck's land was referenced in the deed of Robert Traywick's 400 acres in Wake County, NC, on the North side of Neuse River.
- 1778 Robert Duck's land was referenced in the deed of Edward Earp's 640 acres in Wake County, NC, on the North side of Neuse River.
- 1778 Robert Duck's land was referenced in the deed of William Hobb's 250 acres in Wake County, NC, on both sides of Marks Creek.
- 1778 Robert Duck's land was referenced in the deed of William Hobb's 460 acres in Wake County, NC, on the South side of Marks Creek.
- 1790 Census in Hillsborough District of Wake Co, NC, 2 males 16 and over, 2 females.
- 1805 Robert Duck bought 100 acres from Timothy Duck in Johnston Co, NC. I wonder if he inherited this land from his father since he had been Wake Co for some time, and Timothy had apparently moved back to Johnston Co. after losing his lands in Wake Co.
Timothy Duck [b] b. 1744 Isle of Wight Co, VA, m. 1780 Tabitha B. Brannan Wake Co, NC, d. before 1810 Wake Co, NC.
- 1744 Born in Isle of Wight Co, VA?
- 1770 Listed in the militia muster of Capt. James Wooten in Chowan Co, NC, from Johnston Co, NC.
- 1778 Timothy Duck deeded 560 acres in Wake County, NC, on the North side of the Neuse River. Wake Co was formed from Johnston Co in 1771.
- 1778 Timothy Duck deeded another 100 acres in Wake County, NC, on the North Side of Neuse River.
- 1778 Timothy Duck's land was referenced in the deed of John Hinton Sr.'s 100 acres in Wake County, NC, on the North side of Neuse River. The deed also referenced the land of Thomas Brannon.
- 1778 Timothy Duck's land was referenced in the deed of William Beddingfield's 640 acres in Wake County, NC, on both sides of Farmers Creek.
- 1780 Married Tabitha B. Brannan.
- 1781 The lands of Timothy Duck, described as lying on the North side of the Neuse River on both sides of Buck Head Creek, were confiscated and sold at auction to John Hinton, Sr. by order of Col. Thomas Wootten, Commanding Officer of the Wake Co. Militia. According to the record, Timothy Duck had been drafted for service, but had failed to appear or provide a substitute. As a result, John Abernethie was hired as a substitute in Timothy Duck's place and was paid 10,000 pounds. Timothy Duck's land was sold to pay this debt. John Hinton, Sr, the highest bidder, paid 10,500 pounds for the property.
- 1784 In the tax census in Johnston Co, NC. - 1 white male 21-60 (born 1724-1763), 4 white males under 21 or over 60 (born after 1763 or before 1724), 3 white females.
- 1790 Census - Newbern District of Johnston Co, NC, 1 male 16 and over, 5 males under 16, 2 females.
- 1800 Census in Johnston Co, NC, 1 male and 1 female born before 1755, 2 males and 1 female born 1774-1784, 1 male born 1784-1790, 2 males and 1 female born 1790-1800.
- 1805 Timothy Duck sold 100 acres to Robert Duck in Johnston Co, NC.
- 1808 Timothy Duck died.
- 1810 Tabitha Duck in census in Johnston Co, NC, Census - 1 female born before 1765, 2 males born 1765-1784, 2 males and 1 female born 1784-1794, 2 males and 1 female born 1794-1800.
Unknown Male Duck b. 1774-1784, gone by 1800
Unknown Male Duck b. 1774-1784, gone by 1800
Unknown Male Duck b. 1774-1784
Unknown Male Duck b. 1774-1784
Unknown Male Duck b. 1784-1790
Unknown Male Duck b. 1790-1794
Unknown Male Duck b. 1790-1800
Unknown Female Duck b. before 1784, gone by 1790
Unknown Female Duck b. 1774-1784
Unknown Female Duck b. 1790-1800
William Duck [e] b. 1746 Isle of Wight Co, VA, m. ????, d. after 1800.
- 1746 Born in Isle of Wight Co, VA?
- 1770 Listed in the militia muster of Capt. James Wooten in Chowan Co, NC, from Johnston Co, NC.
- 1778 William Duck deeded 80 acres in Wake County, NC, on the North Side of Neuse River. It references lands that he already owns.
- 1800 Census in Wake Co, NC, 1 male and 1 female born before 1755, 1 female born 1774-1784, 1 female born 1784-1790, 1 female born 1790-1800.
Jacob Duck [a] b. 1712?-d. 1796
- 1712 Born Isle of Wight Co, VA?
- 1754 Listed in the militia muster of Johnston Co, NC, under Capt. Edward Powers. This is the first reference to Jacob since his father's will. It is likely that he was a younger brother who moved south with his older brother Robert to Johnston Co, on the border of Edgecombe Co, which is now Nash Co, NC, on or near the Contentnea River.
- 1769 Listed in the census of Dobbs Co, NC. Dobbs Co. was formed from Johnston Co. in 1759.
- 1769 Bought land from Cader Rountree. In Johnston Co. Deed Book.
- 1775 Bought 125 acres from William and Bethane Gulley on Contentnea Creek. Lying on the border between Edgecombe and Johnston Counties.
- 1784 and wife Sarah sold 150 acres on the Great Contentnea Creek at the mouth of Mill Creek to Thomas Woodard. Recorded as Nash Co, NC, which was formed in 1777 from Edgecombe Co.
- 1790 Census - Newbern District of Johnston Co, NC, 1 male 16 and over, 1 male under 16, 6 females, 3 slaves.
- 1791 sold land to Robert Traywick in Wake Co, NC.
- 1796 Made his will. Lists his wife, Sarah, sons John and James, daughters Lidia, Penny, Bedy, Milley, Elizabeth, and Mary. Probated Nov 1796. Executor was James Hinnant. Wife was Sarah Lee, daughter of James Ludwell Lee and Agnes Cade.
John Duck [j]
- 1755 to 1774 Born.
- 1790 Census - Newbern District of Johnston Co, NC, 1 male 16 and over, 1 male under 16, 2 females, 2 slaves.
This could have been John and James and their wives.
- 1795 inherited livestock from John Stansell, Sr.
- 1796 Son of Jacob and Sarah. Mentioned in his will.
- 1800 Census in Johnston Co, NC, 1 male and 1 female born 1755-1774, 1 male born 1784-1790, 1 male and 4 females born 1790-1800.
James Duck [b]
- 1755 to 1774 Born.
- 1796 Son of Jacob and Sarah. Mentioned in his will.
Lidia Duck [a]
- 1796 Daughter of Jacob and Sarah. Mentioned in his will.
Penny Duck [a]
- 1796 Daughter of Jacob and Sarah. Mentioned in his will.
Bedy Duck [a] Probably Obedience
- 1796 Daughter of Jacob and Sarah. Mentioned in his will.
- 1801 Married Levi Bailey. She was widowed and married John Kent and later Jonathon Hinnant.
Milley Duck [a] Probably Millicent
- 1796 Daughter of Jacob and Sarah. Mentioned in his will.
Elizabeth Duck [a]
- 1796 Daughter of Jacob and Sarah. Mentioned in his will.
Mary (Polly) Duck [c]
- 1796 Daughter of Jacob and Sarah. Mentioned in his will.
- 1797 Feb 28. Polly Duck married Samuel Godwin, Jr.
- 1809 April 2. Samuel Godwin, Jr., husband of Mary Polly, was murdered by a slave, Silas, who had been inherited by Mary from her father, Jacob. Their children were Arnold, Simon, Samuel, Jordan, Betsy & Cuzzy.
- 1814 Polly Godwin, widow, married Josiah Renfroe.
Arnold Godwin b. about 1798, d. 18??
- 1798 Born in Johnston Co, NC?
Simon Godwin
- 1800 Feb 20. Born in Johnston Co, NC.
- 18?? Married Cherry (Sherrie).
- 18?? Married Carolyn D. Shaw.
- 1888 May 2 Died in Johnston Co, NC.
William Iredell Godwin
- 1824 Jun 13 Born in Johnston Co, NC.
- 1854 Mar 7 Married Mary Elizabeth Woodall.
- 1893 May 3 Died.
Sarah Godwin
- 1855 Born.
- 1876 Married Joe Cocker.
- 1936 Died.
Berry Godwin
- 1859 Born.
- 18?? Married Mary J. Hines.
Martha L. Godwin
- 1862 Feb 22 Born.
- 1??? Married S. C. Peedin.
- 1915 Nov 9 Died.
James Godwin
- 1866 Born.
- 18?? Died young.
Iredell Godwin, Jr.
- 1866 Aug 6 Born.
- 1891 Dec 27 Died.
Condary Godwin
- 1869 Nov 29 Born in Johnston Co, NC.
- 1893 Apr 16 Married Dora M. Whitley.
- 1907 Aug 6 Died in Selma, Johnston Co, NC.
Simon Ashley Godwin
- ???? Married Eunice A. Howell.
Mamie Godwin
Thelma Godwin
William Godwin
Moses Godwin
Mary Ann Godwin
- 1872 May 15 Born.
- 18?? Married Joe Eason.
- 1894 Jun 8 Died.
Nora Godwin
- 1878 Born.
- 1??? Married Luther Caldwell.
Walter S. Godwin
- 18?? Born.
- 1895 Died young of typhoid.
Barry Godwin
Perry Godwin
Samuel Godwin
Jordan Godwin
Betsy Godwin
Cozzy Godwin
- 1840 Cozzy Godwin married Kearney Eason in Johnston Co, NC.
Timothy Duck [a] d. ca. 1773; m. Sarah
- 1736 Bought 85 acres from Joseph Powell on Currawaugh Swamp. Previously owned by William Powell, father of Joseph. Witnessed by Isabella Duck.
- 174? Married Sarah [b].
- 1743 Witnessed the sale of 200 acres from William Johnson of the Lower Parish to Henry Johnson of the Lower Parish on Currawaugh Swamp adjoining the county line.
- 1743 Mentioned as a land reference on Currawaugh Swamp.
- 1745 Mentioned as a land reference on South side of Currawaugh Swamp.
- 1763 Witnessed the will and appraised the estate of William Duck [c], his brother.
- 1763 Witnessed the will of Rebecca Johnson.
- 1766 Along with John Daughtrey and Thomas Lankford Jr., appraised the estate of Robert Johnson.
- 1770 Appraised the estate of Rebecca Johnson.
- 1772 Made his will. It was probated in 1773. Inventory appraised by John Owen.
- 1773 Sarah Duck [b] witnessed the will of Isabel Johnson [a], her sister-in-law.
- 1794 Sarah Copeland made her will. Her first husband was Timothy Duck [a]. She mentions son John Duck [g], daughter Sally Daughtry [c], daughter Martha Johnson [a], son Joseph Duck [a]. John Duck was executor. Her sons, Jacob and Nathan, were not mentioned in the will. Jacob died about 1793 and it is assumed that Nathan died soon after 1773, because there is no further mention of him after that.
Joseph Duck [a]
- 1772 Bought 210 acres on Beaver Dam Swamp from Andrew Griffin.
- 1772 Mentioned in the will of his father.
- 1773 Built the house later to be known as Jacob Holland Duck House near Carrsville. He willed the property to his son, Joseph [b], who willed it to his younger brother Jacob Holland Duck [c].
- 1773 Witnessed sale of land by Andrew Griffin to Lott Griffin.
- 1773 Mentioned in the will of his aunt, Isabel Johnson.
- 1774 Was executor of the will of his aunt, Isabel Johnson.
- 1776 Bought 50 acres from James and Hannah Fowler and his mother, Elizabeth Fowler, at Beaver Dam Swamp.
- 1779 Witnessed the will of John Carr. Recorded 6 Jan 1794.
- 1782 Witnessed a deed of emancipation for a group of slaves owned by Robert Johnson, Sr.
- 1784 Appraised the estate of William Fleming. Recorded 4 Nov 1784.
- 1784 Bought 100 acres from Lot and Rebecca Griffin
- 1787 Listed in the tax census, no white males 16-21, 4 horses, 15 cattle.
- 1787 Married Christian Johnson, daughter of Robert and Christian Johnson. Surely a second marriage.
- 1787 Christian, wife of Joseph, daughter of Robert and Christian Johnson. Mentioned in the will of her father.
- 1789 Bought 150 acres from Joshua and Mary Daughtrey on King Sale Swamp. Witnessed by Jesse Duck.
- 1789 Bought 50 acres from Samuel and Lucy Fowler.
- 1789 Signed the account of Peter Butler's estate.
- 1790 Bought 321 acres from Judith and Benjamin Baker on Currawaugh Swamp. Previously owned by Joseph Bridger.
- 1790 Listed in tax census
- 1790 and Christian Duck sold 100 acres to John Duck on Grasshopper Swamp.
- 1794 Son of Timothy and Sarah. Mentioned in her will.
- 1796 Will probated. Recorded 6 Feb 1797. Wife Christian. Children Joseph [b], Phereba [a], Millicent [b], Jacob Holland [c].
- 1799 Christian Duck in tax census, 1 female over 16, 1 slave.
- 1803 Joseph Sr. estate settled, Joseph Jr. executor
- 1809 Sold 300 acres on Beaver Dam Swamp to her son Joseph Duck.
- 1809 Christian Duck, now Stephenson, reported married contrary to Quaker discipline. She was disowned 3 Nov 1809 at the Summerton Quaker Meeting house at Holland, VA.
- 1810 Amos and Christian Stephenson of Southampton Co. sold 100 acres on Beaver Dam Swamp to her son Joseph Duck.
Joseph Duck [b]
- 1791 Joseph Duck was executor of William Parker's will. John Duck was surety.
- 1791 Bought 118 acres from Thomas and Rebecca Inglish on Grasshopper Swamp.
- 1794 Appraised the estate of Elizabeth Fowler.
- 1794 Provided surety for will of Sarah Copeland. Recorded 1 Jun 1795. Mentions children John Duck, Salley Daughtry, Martha Johnson, Joseph Duck. Executor was John Duck. This could have been Joseph [a], but I put it here because Joseph [b] was so successful.
- 1794 with John Duck examined the account of estate of Robert Johnson.
- 1794 Appraised the estate of Martha Lawrence. Recorded 5 Jan 1795.
- 1794 Was executor of will of Jacob Beal. Recorded 5 Jan 1795.
- 1794 Examined account of estate of Hardy Lawrence.
- 1794 Signed the appraisal of the estate of John Carr.
- 1795 to 1797 Elected Justice of Isle of Wight County.
- 1796 Signed the account estate of Joseph Fowler. Recorded 4 Feb 1799.
- 1796 And John Duck signed estate inventory for Jacob Duck.
- 1796 Mentioned in the will of his father.
- 1798 Examined account estate of John Lawrence.
- 1799 Joseph Duck in tax census, 1 female over 16.
- 1799 Executor of will of James Fowler. Recorded 6 Oct 1800.
- 1801 Freed his slave named Sam, age 30.
- 1801 Bought 100 acres from John Duck on Grasshopper Swamp. Witnessed by Miriam Duck, Godwin Councill, Willis Lankford, et. al.
- 1802 Bought 139 acres from Jesse and Mary Bracy on Blackwater River.
- 1803 Joseph Sr. estate settled, Joseph Jr. executor
- 1805 On the County Levy List with Sarah.
- 1807 Land on the Blackwater River referenced in another deed.
- 1808 Richard Daughtrey gave a deed of trust to Godwin Councill, Trustee for Joseph Duck to secure a debt.
- 1808 Witnessed sale of land by John Sr. and Mary Duck to John Jr., Dempsey, and William Duck, their sons.
- 1809 Witnessed the accounting of the will of Zelpha Vaughn.
- 1809 Bought 300 acres from his mother, Christian Duck, on Beaver Dam Swamp. Previously owned by Andrew Griffen and James Fowler.
- 1809 Joseph Duck was disowned at the Summerton Quaker Meeting house, at Holland, VA.
- 1810 Census, 1 male born 1765-1784, 1 male born 1784-1794 (Jacob H. [c]), 7 free blacks, 1 slave.
- 1810 Bought 100 acres from Amos and Christian Stephenson, his mother, of Southampton Co. on Beaver Dam Swamp.
- 1811 Owned land on the Blackwater River.
- 1812 Godwin Councill and Joseph Duck witnessed land conveyance by John Duck to James N. Councill, trustee for William M. Jones, to secure a debt.
- 1821 Godwin Councill of Isle of Wight Co. and Jesse Lankford of Southampton Co. were executors of Joseph Duck estate. Witnesses were Sally Councill, Neverson E. Councill, John Councill.
Jacob Holland Duck [c] b. 1793 Isle of Wight Co, VA, m. 1814 Nancy B. White Southampton Co, VA, d. 1863 Isle of Wight Co, VA.
- 1793 Born.
- 1796 Mentioned in the will of his father.
- 1801 Land referenced in land sale by John Duck to Joseph Duck.
- 1802 Land referenced in land sale by Jesse and Mary Bracy to Joseph Duck.
- 1814 Married Nancy B. White in Southampton Co, VA.
- 1818 Bought 139 acres from Jesse and Miriam Lankford of Southampton Co. on the Blackwater River. Witnessed by Godwin Councill.
- 1819 to 1826 Elected Jistice in Isle of Wight Co, VA.
- 1820 Census Newport Parish of Isle of Wight Co, VA, 1 female born 1775-1794, 1 male born 1794-1804, 1 female born 1794-1804, 1 male born 1810-1820, 2 females born 1810- 1820, 7 slaves.
- 1821 Member of the County Court and Overseer of the Poor in Currywaugh (now Windsor District).
- 1821 Jacob H. Duck bought 141-3/4 acres from Godwin and Pheraby Councill.
- 1824 Executor of estate of Jacob Beal.
- 1824 Witnessed land sale from Zebulon Eley to Lemuel Lowe.
- 1825 Witnessed land sale from Lemuel & Lucy Lowe to Joseph & Thomas Mountford.
- 1825 And Nancy B. Duck sold 124-1/4 acres to William Bridger on the Grasshopper, Bow and Arrows, and Currawaugh Swamps.
- 1830 Census, 1 male and 1 female born 1790-1800, 1 male and 1 female born 1815-1820, 1 male born 1825-1830, 13 slaves.
- 1830 to 1833 Elected justice in Isle of Wight Co, VA.
- 1835 Appointed Sheriff by Gov. Littleton Walter Tazewell
- 1836 to 1837 Elected Sheriff.
- 1839 to 1844 Elected justice.
- 1844 Witnessed land sale from William & Catharine Mountford to William W. Wright.
- 1860 Census, Jacob H. Duck age 67, b. 1793 VA; Nancy age 67, b. 1793 VA; Joseph H. age 33, b. 1827 VA.
- 1863 Died.
Joseph H. Duck [c] b. 1827
- 1827 Born.
- 1860 Census, Jacob H. Duck age 67, b. 1793 VA; Nancy age 67, b. 1793 VA; Joseph H. age 33, b. 1827 VA.
Millicent Duck [b]
- 1796 Mentioned in the will of her father.
Phereba Duck [a]
- 1796 Mentioned in the will of her father. Married Godwin Councill. Had 13 children.
- 1812 Godwin Councill and Joseph Duck witnessed land conveyance by John Duck to James N. Councill, trustee for William M. Jones, to secure a debt.
- 1821 Jacob H. Duck bought 141-3/4 acres from Godwin and Pheraby Councill.
- 1821 Godwin Councill of Isle of Wight Co. and Jesse Lankford of Southampton Co. were executors of Joseph Duck estate. Witnesses were Sally Councill, Neverson E. Councill, John Councill.
- 1830 Godwin Councill in census in Isle of Wight Co, VA, 1 male and 1 female born 1770-1780, 1 male and 2 females born 1800-1810, 1 male born 1810-1815, 1 male and 1 female born 1815-1820, 1 male and 1 female born 1820-1825, 1 male born 1825-1830, 22 slaves.
Martha Duck [a]
- 1767 Married Joseph Johnson, Sr., son of Lazarus Johnson and Mary Outland.
- 1772 Mentioned in the will of her father as Martha Johnson.
- 1773 Mentioned in the will of her aunt, Isabel Johnson.
- 1794 Martha Johnson. Daughter of Timothy and Sarah. Mentioned in will of Sarah Copeland, her mother and widow of Timothy Duck.
Jacob Duck [b]
- 1772 Mentioned in the will of his father.
- 1773 Mentioned in the will of his aunt, Isabel Johnson.
- 1782 In the Isle of Wight County Census 2 whites, 6 blacks.
- 1782 Reimbursed for provisions provided in war
- 1785 Signed a petition to Virginia House of Delegates against public funding of teachers of religion.
- 1787 Listed in the tax census, no white males 16-21, 6 slaves, 2 horses, 15 cattle.
- 1788 Bought 216 acres from Archelus and Mary Robertson on North side of King Sale Swamp. Witnessed by John Duck.
- 1790 Listed in tax census, 1 white over 21, 2 slaves. 1 horse.
- 1793 Estate was appraised. Recorded 8 Apr 1794.
- 1796 Estate inventoried. Signed by Joseph Duck [b] and John Duck [g].
Nathan Duck [a]
- 1772 Mentioned in the will of his father.
- 1773 Mentioned in the will of his aunt, Isabel Johnson.
John Duck [g] b. 175?, m. 177? Mary
- 1772 Mentioned in the will of his father.
- 1773 Mentioned in the will of his aunt, Isabel Johnson.
- 1778 Witnessed will of Jacob Butler.
- 1778 Appraised the estate of Samuel Bryant. With William Duck [d].
- 1780 Appraised the estate of Jacob Butler. With William Duck [d].
- 1782 In the Isle of Wight County Census - 9 whites.
- 1782 Reimbursed for provisions provided in war
- 1783 In the Isle of Wight County Census.
- 1785 Signed a petition to Virginia House of Delegates against public funding of teachers of religion.
- 1787 Listed in the tax census, no white males 16-21, 2 horses, 4 cattle.
- 1787 Witnessed the will of Robert Johnson. Mentions Robert Johnson's children, Christian Duck, Elijah Johnson and wife Christian. Recorded 3 Jan 1788.
- 1788 Appraised the estate of Robert Johnson.
- 1788 Witnessed the sale of 216 acres from Archelus and Mary Robertson to Jacob Duck.
- 1788 Witnessed the will of John Darden. Recorded 5 Feb 1789.
- 1789 The lands of John Duck, Robert Duck, and William Duck were referenced in a sale of 242 acres by John Owen and wife Sarah Duck Owen to Elias Owen on Beaver Dam Swamp. Previously owned by John Owen Sr. who bought it from Robert Johnson.
- 1790 John Duck Sr. listed in tax census
- 1790 Bought 100 acres from Joseph and Christian Duck on Grasshopper Swamp. Witnessed by Jesse Duck.
- 1791 Joseph Duck [b] was executor of William Parker's will. John Duck was surety.
- 1791 Sally Duck (Sarah [c]) married Elisha Daughtrey, surety provided by John Duck.
- 1791 John Duck Jr. mentioned as friend in will of Robert Duck [d].
- 1793 Chasty Duck [a] married Elisha Hedgpeth with consent of John Duck and wife Mary.
- 1794 Executor of the will of Sarah Copeland, his mother, widow of Timothy.
- 1794 with Joseph Duck [b] examined the account of estate of Robert Johnson.
- 1795 Appraised the estate of Francis Vaughan.
- 1796 And Joseph Duck [b] signed estate inventory for Jacob Duck [b].
- 1799 John Duck Sr. in tax census, 2 females over 16.
- 1801 Sold 100 acres to Joseph Duck on Grasshopper Swamp. Witnessed by Miriam Duck, Godwin Councill, Willis Lankford, et. al.
- 1808 John Sr. and Mary sold land to each of their three sons. Witnessed by Allen Duck, Willis Duck, and Joseph Duck.
- 1810 John Duck Sr. in census, 1 male and 1 female born before 1765, 2 males and 1 female born 1800-1810.
- 1812 John Sr. and Mary Duck sold 70 acres to son John Jr. on Beaver Dam Swamp. Witnessed by Allen Duck.
- 1812 John Duck Sr. gave all of his property to his son John Duck, Jr. Witnessed by Allen Duck et. al.
- 1812 Gave all of her property to her son John Duck, Jr. Witnessed by Allen Duck and Willis Duck.
John Duck [h] b. 177?, m. 1793 Charity Darden
- 1787 Listed in the tax census, Taxes charged to Jacob. I am guessing that John Jr. was living on a piece of land belonging to Jacob, his uncle.
- 1790 John Duck Jr. listed in tax census
- 1793 Married Charity Darden, widow of John Darden.
- 1798 John Duck Jr. owned land adjoining Lazarus Johnson and Godwin Council.
- 1799 John Duck Jr. in tax census, 1 female over 16, 6 slaves.
- 1808 Bought 54-3/4 acres from John Sr. and Mary Duck, his parents. Witnessed by Allen Duck, Willis Duck, and Joseph Duck. Reference to land of Godwin Councill.
- 1810 John Duck Jr.in census, 1 male and 1 female born 1784-1794, 1 male born 1800-1810, 1 slave.
- 1812 John Duck Jr. bought 70 acres from John and Mary Duck, his parents, on Beaver Dam Swamp. Witnessed by Allen Duck.
- 1812 John Duck Jr. given all of his property by his father John Duck, Sr. Witnessed by Allen Duck.
- 1812 John Duck Jr. conveyed 70 acres on Beaver Dam Swamp to James N. Councill, trustee for William M. Jones, to secure a debt. Referenced land of Dempsey Duck. Witnessed by Duck and Godwin Councill.
- 1812 John Duck Jr. given all of the property of his mother Mary Duck. Witnessed by Allen Duck and Willis Duck.
- 1813 Land of John Duck Jr. referenced in sale of land by Dempsey Duck.
Chastity Duck [a]
- 1793 Married Elisha Hedgpeth with consent of John Duck and wife Mary.
Dempsey Duck [a]
- 1808 Bought 54-3/4 acres from John Sr. and Mary Duck, his parents. Witnessed by Allen Duck, Willis Duck, and Joseph Duck.
- 1810 Demcey Duck in census, 1 female born before 1765, 1 male born 1765-1784, 1 female born 1800-1810. (This must be Sr.)
- 1812 His land and land of Godwin Councill were referenced on Beaver Dam Swamp in a sale from John Duck Sr. to John Duck Jr.
- 1812 His land and land of Godwin Councill were referenced on Beaver Dam Swamp in a sale from John Duck Jr. to James N. Councill.
- 1813 And Keziah Duck sold 54 acres to Godwin Councill . Referenced land of John uck Jr. and William Duck (of John).
- 1813 Bought 50 acres from Jacob and Elizabeth Carr on the Blackwater Road. Witnessed by Godwin Councill.
Dempsey Duck [b]
- 1810 Demcey Duck in census, 1 female born 1765-1784, 1 male born 1784-1794, 1 female born 1800-1810. (This must be Jr.)
William Duck [g]
- 1765 to 1784 Born.
- 1808 Bought 54-3/4 acres from John Sr. and Mary Duck, his parents. Witnessed by Allen Duck, Willis Duck, and Joseph Duck.
- 1810 Census, 1 male born 1765-1784, 3 females born 1784-1794, 1 slave.
- 1811 And Margaret Duck sold land to Nathan Carr. Witnessed by Willis Duck, Allen Duck, and Jessee Duck.
- 1813 William Duck (of John). Land referenced in sale of land by Dempsey Duck.
Sarah (Sally) Duck [c]
- 1772 Mentioned in the will of her father. Not married at this date.
- 1773 Mentioned in the will of her aunt, Isabel Johnson. Not married at this date.
- 1790 Elisha Daughtrey in tax census, 1 white over 21, 2 slaves.
- 1790 Salley Duck listed in tax census, 1 slave.
- 1791 Sally married Elisha Daughtrey, surety provided by John Duck.
- 1794 Salley Daughtry. Daughter of Timothy and Sarah. Mentioned in her will.
- 1799 Elisha Daughtrey in tax census, 1 female over 16, 2 slaves.
Bridget Duck [b]
Dorothy Duck [a]
Isabel Duck [a] d. bet. 1773-1774
- 1736 Isabella Duck witnessed the sale of 85 acres to Timothy Duck from Joseph Powell.
- 1773 Isabel Johnson made her will. Mentioned William Duck, John Duck, Jacob Duck, Nathan Duck, Joseph Duck, Martha Johnson, Sarah Duck. Witnessed by Sarah Duck. Recorded 1 Dec 1774. She apparently had no children of her own. The witness is Sarah [b], the widow of Timothy Duck [a] and the others are her nieces and nephews, all but William were the children of Timothy and Sarah. William [d] was son of William [c].
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