Isle of Wight Wills and Administrations
Will Book, Vol. 7, 1760-1769

William Duck Will, dated 11 Feb. 1763
pp. 228-229. Will Pro. 7 Apr. 1763
pp. 254-255. Inv. & Appr. rec. 7 July 1763

[p. 228]

In the Name of God Amen. I William Duck of the Parish of Newport & County of the Isle of Wight, being Sick & weak of Body but of perfect & sound Mind and Memory Thanks be given for Almighty God, do make, and Ordain this my last Will and Testament, in manner, and form following first and Principally I Give & Bequest my Soul into the Hands of Almighty God, my Creator, hoping through the Merits of my Blessed Saviour, to attain Everlasting Life, and as for what Worldly Estate, it hath Pleased Almighty God to Bless me with, I Give, Devise, and Dispose thereof as followeth.

Item I Give & Bequeath to my Son William Duck, One Hundred Acres of Land, which I Purchased of William Parker and one Feather Bed & Furniture, and one Cow, and one Gun, the same to him, & his Heirs forever.

Item I Give to my Daughter Sarah Owin, one Cow & no more.

Item I Give to my Daughter Mary Johnson five Shillings Current Money and no more.

Item I Give to my Son John Duck five Shillings Current Money and no more.

Item I Give to my Daughter Elizabeth Duck, one Cow and no more, and liberty to Live on my Land, where I now Live during her Life, or till the she is Married.

Item I Give to my Son Robert Duck, all my Tract of Land of Plantation whereon I now Live, not Disturbing of his Mother on her Quick [p. 229] Possession of the same during her Natural Life, the same to him and his Heirs for ever.

Item I Lend to my Loving Wife Ellinor Duck, all the rest and Remainder of my Estate, during her natural Life, or Widowhood, and after her Decease or Marriage, I then give it all to my Son Robert Duck, provided he keep & take Care of my Daughter Selah, during her Natural Life, or till she is Married, at which Time of Marriage, I Give her five Pounds Current Money, and if she doth not Marry, and my Son Robert, refuse to keep her in that Case, I Give her five Pound Current Money, to be Paid to her by my Son Robert Duck, out of my Estate, the same to them, and their Heirs for ever.

Lastly, I Make Constitute, Ordain, & Appoint my Son William Duck, my whole & Sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament Revoking all other Will, or Wills by me heretofore made or Declar'd.

In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand & Seal, this Eleventh Day of February 1763

William X Duck, Sr.

Signed Seal'd Published & Declar'd
In Presence of us

Abraham Carr
Timothy X Duck
John X Givin

At a Court held for the County of Isle of Wight, April 7th 1763-
The last Will & Testament of William Duck Deced, was presented in Court by William Duck, the Executor therein named, who made Oath thereto, and being proved by the Oath of Abraham Carr, & John Givin, two of the Witnesses thereto, is Ordered to be Recorded.

[p. 254]
An Appraisment of the Estate of William Duck Deceased---

To 14 Head Cattle £13.10.~
To 25 Hogs 1.10.~
To 1 Mare 3.~.~
To 1 Horse 4.10.~
To 1 Bed, with Furniture 4.10.~
To 1 D° with Ditto 4.~.~
To 1 Rugg, Blanket, Bedstead ~.8.~
To 2 Trunks, 1 Table ~.16.~
To 1 Chest ~.9.~
To 1 Leather bound Trunk ~.7.6
To 1 Bed Tick, and Bolster 2.~.~
To 1 Bed Cover 2.~.~
To 2 ½ Yds Broad Cloth, & Trimmings 2.10.~
To 5 ¼ Yds Duroice[?] ~.12.6
To 3 Dishes, 5 Basons, 4 Plates, 1 ½ Dozen Spoons 2.5.~
To 2 Skillets and Stands ~.15.~
To 1 Funnel, Tea Canter, 2 Pepper Boxes ~.3.~
To Parcel Earthen Ware ~.8.~
To Parcel Wooden Ware ~.15.~
[p. 255]
To Howe Glass & Glass Bottles £ ~.6.7
To 1 Frying Pan, Pot and Hooks ~.12.6
To 4 Chairs ~.5.~
To Parcel old Cloathes ~.7.6
To ½ Yd Duffel ~.8.~
To Wooden Ware ~.4.6
To 5 Guns 5.3.6
To Whip Saw and Files 2.5.~
To Cross Cut Saw & File 1.15.~
To 3 Files ~.2.3
To 2 Stone Juggs ~. 3.~
To Parcel old Iron ~.7.6
To Parcel Carpenters Tools ~.15.~
To D.o ~.12.6
To 6 Axes 20/.4 Iron Wedges 1.10.6
To 2 Grubing Axes, 1 Frone ~.10.~
To 252 lb Tobacco at 16/ 2.3.~
To 5 Cider Hogsheads 1.~.~
To 8 Cider Barrels ~.16.~
To Grind Stones ~.15.~
To 5 Baskets 1/6 1 Trunk 1/6 ~.3.~
To 1 Wheel and Cards ~.5.~
To 6 Raw Hides ~.18.~
To Parcel Shoemaker Tools ~.3.6
To 1 Hogshead Parcel Wheat ~.10.~
To 1 Box Iron & Plaister ~.7.6
To 9 Guse 9/ Sole Leather 5/ ~.14.~

June 25th 1763

Hardy Darden
John Darden
Timothy Duck

At a Court held for the County of Isle of Wight, July 7th 1763.
This Appraisment was returned into Court by the Appraisers, and Ordered to be Recorded.


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