Military Records |
National Archives Military Records Request copies of your ancestors' military records from the National Archives. Their website is also a good source for online references to military information.
Pre-Revolutionary War |
Jacob Duck 7 Dec. 1754 Listed in the militia muster of Capt. Edward Powers. From Johnson Co., NC. (North Carolina Archives)
Robert Duck 7 Dec. 1754 Listed in the militia muster of Capt. Edward Powers. From Johnson Co., NC. (North Carolina Archives)
Robert Duck 1770 Two Robert Duck's were listed in the militia muster of Capt. James Wooten in Chowan Co, NC, from Johnston Co, NC. (From Colonial & State Records of North Carolina, Vol. 22, p. 333.)
Timothy Duck 1770 Listed in the militia muster of Capt. James Wooten in Chowan Co, NC, from Johnston Co, NC. (From Colonial & State Records of North Carolina, Vol. 22, p. 333.)
William Duck 1770 Listed in the militia muster of Capt. James Wooten in Chowan Co, NC, from Johnston Co, NC. (From Colonial & State Records of North Carolina, Vol. 22, p. 333.)
Revolutionary War 1775-1783 |
Abram Duck listed in the North Carolina Militia, Salisbury Dist., from Pierce's Register, Vouchers, p. 313.
Jacob Duck listed in the North Carolina Militia, Morgan Dist., from Pierce's Register, Vouchers, p. 313.
Jacob Duck Private (Pennsylvania Revolutionary War Service Records, Roll 80, PA)
James Duck listed in the North Carolina Militia, Wilmington Dist., from Pierce's Register, Vouchers, p. 375.
Jeremiah Duck Sergt. (New Hampshire Revolutionary War Service Records, Roll 46, NH)
John Duck (b. 1746-d. 2 Dec. 1826 at age 80) Rev. War soldier, mustered out 27 Apr 1799 at Savannah, GA. Co. M, 1st NC Regiment. From Mecklenburg Co., NC. (Charlotte Journal, Charlotte, NC, January 2, 1827, Death Notice.)
Saml Duck Private. (Virginia Revolutionary War Service Records, Roll 98, VA)
Samuel Duck Private. (Virginia Revolutionary War Service Records, Roll 97, VA)
William Dawson Duck Lieut. (Virginia Revolutionary War Service Records, Roll 103, VA)
War of 1812 |
Name Company Unit Rank: Induction Rank; Discharge Rank
David Duck 3 Reg't (WIMBERLY'S), Georgia Milita. Private; Private.
Dempcy Duck 29 Reg't (BALLARD'S) Virginia Milita. Private; Private.
Ephraim Duck HIND'S Batt'n CAVALRY, Mississippi Mil. Private; Dragoon.
George Duck 1 Reg't (ALLEN'S) Virginia Milita. Private; Private.
Jacob Duck 1 Reg't (WEIRICK'S) Pennsylvania Militia. Private; Private.
Jacob N. Duck 29 Reg't (BALLARD'S) Virginia Milita. Corporal; Corporal.
Jesse Duck 29 Reg't (BALLARD'S) Virginia Milita. Private; Private.
Jesse Duck 29 Reg't (BOYKIN'S) Virginia Milita. Private; Private.
John Duck First Regiment, Nash Co., NC; from the Muster Rolls: Soldiers of the War of 1812 Detached from the Militia of North Carolina 1812 and 1814 (1873).
John Duck 1 Reg't (SCOTT'S) Kentucky Vols. Private; Private.
John Duck 3 Reg't (WIMBERLY'S), Georgia Milita. Private; Private.
John Duck 3 Reg't (JOHNSON'S) E. Tennessee Militia. Private; Private.
Joseph Duck 29 Reg't (BALLARD'S) Virginia Milita. Sergeant; Sergeant.
Philip Duck 5 Reg't (FENTON'S) Pennsylvania Militia. Private; Corporal.
Samuel Duck 2 Reg't (COTGREAVE'S), Ohio Militia. Private; Private.
Samuel Duck 2 Reg't (HINDMAN'S), Ohio Militia. Private; Private.
Thaddus Duck Drummer in the Second Regiment, Eighth Company, Detached from the Johnston Regiment; from the Muster Rolls: Soldiers of the War of 1812 Detached from the Militia of North Carolina 1812 and 1814 (1873).
William Duck ALEXANDER'S Batt'n Riflemen, Georgia Milita. Private; Private.
William Duck 29 Reg't (BALLARD'S) Virginia Milita. Private; Private.
Willis Duck 1 Reg't (ALLEN'S) Virginia Milita. Private; Private.
Willis Duck 29 Reg't (BALLARD'S) Virginia Milita. Private; Private.
U.S. Civil War 1861-1865 |
Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System (National Park Service) has an online searchable database that is very useful. 169 records appear for the Duck surname.
Adams Duck Private, Co. K, 43rd Infantry, Ohio. Born 27 Feb. 1843. Died 1 March 1862, at camp at Mt. Vernon, Ohio of measles. Mother: Lydia Duck. Father: Samuel Duck. (Source: Military record at National Archives).
Archibald Duck Lieut. Capt. Henry P. Howell's Co. of Riflemen (Isle of Wight, Rifle Blues) 1 Regiment (Nelligan's) Louisiana Infantry. Isle of Wight Co., Virginia Confederate Pension Rolls, Veterans and Widows.
Archibald Duck Private, Co. A, 19th Batt. Virginia H. Artillery. (Source: Military record at National Archives).
Asa Duck Private, Co. K, 33rd Mississippi Infantry (Confederate).
Bushood Duck Private, Co. B. 6th North Carolina Infantry (Confederate) (Filed under Duke, Bushood).
D.A. Duck Private, Co. C, 1st Batt'n Georgia Infantry (State Guards) (Confederate); Co. C., 40th Batt'n Georgia Infantry (Confederate).
D.M. Duck Private, Co. K., 33rd Mississippi Infantry (Confederate).
Daniel W. Duck Private, Co. F., 64th North Carolina Infantry; 1 Batt'n North Carolina Infantry; Allen's Regiment North Carolina Infantry (Confederate). (Filed under Duyck, Daniel W.)
Daniel W. Duck Private, Co. A, 5th Batl'n North Carolina Cavalry (Confederate).
Dave Duck Private, Co. A, 1st Cherokee Mounted Rifles; 1st Arkansas Cherokee Mounted Rifles (Confederate).
David M. Duck Private, Co. E, 22nd Mississippi Infantry (Confederate).
Dick Duck Private, McDaniel's Co. 1st Cherokee Mounted Rifles; 1st Arkansas Cherokee Mounted Rifles (Confederate).
E.M. Duck Private, Co. E., 22nd Mississippi Infantry; Co. K., 33rd Mississippi Infantry (Confederate).
F.M. Duck Private Co. -- 7th Mississippi Cavalry (Confederate).
G.A. Duck Corporal, Co. B. Crabtree's (46th) Regiment, Arkansas Cavalry (Confederate).
George Duck Private, Co. B, 8 Louisiana Infantry (Confederate). (reference to George Duckman).
George W. Duck Private, Co. K, 163rd Regiment, Ohio National Guard, Columbus, Ohio. Discharged 20 Sept. 1865 at Nashville, TN. Wife: Martha A. (Cullen) Duck & Children listed in Military pension records. (Source: Military record at National Archives).
H.R. Duck Private, C. A. Weston's Batt'n Maryland (Confederate).
Henry Duck Private, Co. F. 24th Alabama Infatnry (Confederate).
Henry R.S. Duck Private, Co. C. 1st Maryland Infantry (Confederate).
Henry S. Duck Private, Co. E., 22nd Mississippi Infantry (Confederate).
J.A. Duck Private, Co. B., 2nd Mississippi Cavalry (Confederate).
J.H. Duck Private, Co. G., 19th Texas Infantry (Confederate).
J.L. Duck Captain, Drill Master, Co. F.S. 3rd Batt'n Mississippi Infantry (Confederate).
James Duck Private, Co., J. [or I.?], 27th Arkansas Infantry (Confederate).
James Duck Private, Co., J. [or I.?], 64th Georgia Infantry (Confederate).
James F. Duck Private, Co. A, 14th (McCarver's) Arkansas Infantry (Confederate).
James H. Duck Private, Co. G, 19th Texas Infantry. Born in Henderson Co., TN. Killed 30 April 1864, Jenkins Ferry, Arkansas. (Source: Military record at National Archives).
James L. Duck Captain, Co. H., 5th Mississippi Infantry (Confederate).
James M. Duck Private, Co. EK, 22nd Mississippi Infantry (Confederate).
James W. Duck Private, Co. A, 5th Batt'n North Carolina Cavalry (Confederate).
Jas. H. Duck Private, Co. CK, 2nd Georgia Reservers (Confederate).
Jesse Duck Private, Co. K, Missouri (Volunteers) Engineers, Terre Haute, Indiana. Died 17 Dec. 1864 in Nashville, TN. Wife: Mary and family recorded. [Josiah Duck Family member] (Source: Military record at National Archives).
Jesse W. Duck Private, Co. A., 5th Batt'n North Carolina Cavalry (Confederate).
John Duck Private, Co. E., 1st Missouri Cavalry (Confederate).
John Duck Private, Co. I., 6th Virginia Infantry (Confederate).
John Duck Private, Co. E., 1st Cherokee Mounted Rifles; 1st Arkansas Cherokee Mounted Rifles (Confederate).
John Duck Private, Co. G., 2nd Cherokee Mounted Volunteers; 2nd Reg't Cherokee Mounted Rifles or Riflemen; formed by the addition of five companies from the 1st Reg't. Cherokee Mounted Vols. to the 1 (Bryan's) Batt'n CHerokee Partisan Rangers. (Confederate).
John H. Duck Private, Co. F., 61st Virginia Infantry; Wilson's Rigement Virginia Infantry (Confederate).
John W. Duck Soldier: Isle of Wight Co., Virginia Confederate Pension Rolls, Veterans and Widows.
Joseph Duck Private, Co. D. 16th Virginia Infantry. Confederate. Killed in battle at Petersburg, July 30, 1864. (Source: Military record at National Archives.)
Jumper Duck 2nd Lieut. Co. F. Third Regiment, Indian Home Guard. Cherokee Nation, Indian Territory. Wife: Annie Hopper and children Cherokee (dead), Tsi-co-no-la (wife of Geo. Scott), Kate (wife of Lord[?] Bullet) and Bluford (Blue) Duck (Source: Military record at National Archives.)
Mary Elizabeth Duck Widow: Isle of Wight Co., Virginia Confederate Pension Rolls, Veterans and Widows.
World War I 1914-1918 (U.S. Involvement 1917-1919) |
Duck, Paul Ira:
Rank: Corporal
Indiana World War Records: Gold Star Honor Roll. Son of Perry (deceased) and Barsheba E. Duck; born February 21, 1897, near Terre Haute, Ind. Student. Enlisted in Company H, Indiana National Guard (Company H, 151st Infantry), April 19, 1917, Terre Haute, Ind. Sent to Camp Shelby, Miss. Embarked for overseas June 11, 1918; assigned to Signal Corps Unit, Headquarters Company, 18th Infantry, 1st Division. Died October 5, 1918, from wounds received in action. Buried in Argonne-American Cemetery, Romagne, France. Indiana World War Records: Gold Star Honor Roll, A Record of Indiana Men and Women who died in the service of the United States and the Allied Nations in the World War, 1914-1918. Vigo County. Page 658. [Josiah Duck Family member]
World War II 1939-1945 (U.S. Involvement 1941-1945) |
Korean War 1950-1953 |
Vietnam War 1955-1975 (U.S. Involvement 1964-1973) |
Pension Papers |
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