Smith-Goodin Family Archive
In an effort to preserve family documents and treasures, we have decided to establish a family archive. It is intended as a repository and storage place for our family records and artifacts. The archive will include vital statistics (birth, marriage, divorce and death records), photographs, documents, certificates, diplomas, military records, news clippings (achievements, acknowledgments, obituaries) and heirlooms or photos of sentimental keepsakes. The items will be centrally organized and accessible to our Smith-Goodin family members.

At this point, many family members have their own stash of documents related to family research and in an effort to share this material, it would be beneficial to compile a list of what has been gathered to date. Please let me know what documents you would be willing to photocopy or scan to share in our Smith-Goodin family archive. Once a document or photo is placed in the archive, it will be added to the online list and shared with other family members. (There might be instances where you wish the document be held for a few years before being shared, and in that instance, just let us know.)

If you have duplicates and/or wish to donate original documents and photos, please let us know. There are instances where old photos or family bibles have been thrown out because it was thought that no one would want them. Please do not let that happen to our family treasures. Unlabeled photos are even valuable since names, places and approximate dates can be determined from other family photos.

I am in the process of organizing a procedure whereby the material in the archive will be handed down to the next generation to safeguard and preserve it for future generations. When possible, the document image or transcription will be added to our website.

Please help us compile the archive and submit your branch information — birth, marriage, divorce or death records, photos and newspaper coverage, obituaries and funeral memorial brochures. My thanks to many family members who have already contributed to the archive!

  • If you have documents you would like to share and have a scanner:
    Scan the documents or photos as TIF files at 300 dpi for high resolution images. This will allow the viewers to zoom into the documents to better read or view documents or photos. I am happy to provide more information about this process.

  • If you have originals (or copies) you would like to donate to the Smith-Goodin archive, contact us.

  • Type of Objects to be included in Archive:

    Birth records
    Marriage records
    Divorce records
    Death records
    Wills, Inventories and Accounts
    Deeds and Land records
    Bible records
    Military records
    News Clippings (achievements, acknowledgments, obituaries)
    Heirlooms or keepsakes (items or photos)
    Memories and/or Family Stories

    Return to Smith-Goodin Family Documents page to see what has been collected so far.

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